A bend in the Danube River in the heart of the Carpathian-Pannonia region
From Agota Ruzsa to you:
I answered the call to Well Keeping because of the authenticity and integrity it carried. My day of tending in March felt really pure and clear and embarrassingly vibrant.
I, myself, had initiated a yearly process of collective healing in Hungary. Since 2021 we have gathered for weekly meditations to invoke the Soul of our Nation, here in Hungary. It has since grown into a beautiful collective space held by nine of us.
After my Well Keeping day, I immediately wanted to share the space and energy with soul-friends in the country and the region. The thought arose amongst us to take a week in the fall when we would join the global energy of the Well Keepers and our holding of an original spirit in Central-Eastern Europe, known as the Carpathian-Pannonia region. This region is shared by Hungarians, Slovaks, Ruthenians, Romanians, Serbs, Croats, Slovens, Austrians and also Jews and Gypsies. It has traditionally been one integrated whole for millenia, known as the Old Europe of Peace-loving People. But it was scattered and tattered by the rise of national identities imposed by the Versailles Treaties. Hungary is shaped like a heart, perhaps the heart of this region, one that we seek to restore.
Looking at the calendar I chose the week in October that was best for us. And other kindred spirits from our region.“

If you want to connect with Agota about her thinking and images, email her here. The photos of her region are stunning