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Well Keeper Reflections

Public·173 Well Keepers

Sharing for Wednesday, July 24

As July approached, I reflected on those places where my feet feel most attached to the earth - where would that special place be for this contemplative day? Days passed and ideas floated in and out... so many lovely offerings of the natural world were but a short drive away. Where to whisk away to, apart from the everyday tasks? Then... odd experiences, sharings, conversations began to sink into my lap and it became clear.

I had begun to see the 'earth-caring' activities  of my own homestead as 'gottas.' I've gotta water the garden, I've gotta pick those plums, I've gotta check on that hive, etc. In an existence full of schedules, responsibilities, tasks, how lovely to flip everything on its head, to remind myself that I have chosen to bring all of these elements and beings into my life, that their care is not a 'task' but a privilege and delight.

And so my day began, with early morning watering of very thirsty plants, followed by a visit into a hive to ensure that the Queen was indeed laying, despite a stretch of very toasty days. A breakfast bowl bursting with garden fruit was followed by time with a local sangha. As temperatures rose inside, my energies shifted to the care of inner home - mending, sweeping, feeding animals. Nothing earth shattering, no forays to remote (albeit wonderful) settings, but a simple and thoughtful tending of what is right around me, done with as much intention as possible. Simple... me-oh-my

, I could do this every day! Blessings on the journeys of us all, however mundane, exotic, simple or complex they may be.

Unknown member
Jul 27, 2024

So rich and beautiful. Blessings of the day to day living. Simple and profound. Thank you!


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