Greetings from Maine ~~!
Courtney passed the mantle from New Hampshire last night, and I passed it along to Mehtap in Istanbul this afternoon. We are a global force of Nature! I am honored to hold space today, my birthday. To be in silence (as much as possible ;-) ((FaceTime with daughter and grandkids, and a birthday chat with dear friends))
As I moved through my day ~~ Yoga, sitting with tea by the Water, preparing the garden, walking in the woods, sitting with a candle, eating meals ~~ these are the musings:
Open ~~ Reflection ~~ Notice ~~ Compassion (for self)
Compassion doesn't
Always come easy, and yes
Practice Compassion
Sitting in Silence
Fidgeting and Noticing
And Still ~ Returning
To be in stillness allows for opportunity to present itself.
Sitting in Stillness
Bald Eagle glides overhead
Graced with their presence
During Yoga practice this morning ~ the question:
What do I want to be closer to?
The response (a quiet whisper):
Closer to my True Self
Open my heart, and open some more
Offer and Receive
Feel the constant Flow of Energy
Infinite Energy
Infinite Flow
If one human is capable of holding Joy and Grief
In a single moment
Imagine the World
This Universe
FILLED with Beings
Experiencing their lives
~~the slightest flutter of a butterfly's wings~~
~~can move the stars ~~
Walking towards the Water's edge this afternoon I am fascinated by Ferns' unfurling! I dawdle, pull out my phone for a photo, and I hear Eagle call! I snap a quick pic, then scurry to the dock, and lo and behold! Eagle perched in Pine Tree looking at me! We sit for a few minutes as I admire the Grace of it all ~~ and Eagle takes flight! How blessed am I?
It was a glorious day, a wonder-filled day of holding space and hope. May our actions and intentions be the flutter that creates the change we want to see.
Thank you for this opportunity, for this community. (And now I will attempt to post some pics from the day!)
Much Love and Light ~~
What a meaningful and generous way to spend your birthday. Blessings beautiful one.