Today, I was the wellkeeper, and reading Banu's note at night moved me as I felt I wasn't alone in my grief. I let my tears drop as I watched the world sorrows, and some stagnant energy was released and I could rest for the night. Today was a day filled with connections and rest. Connection with friends and stories that found us travelling through the terrain of our own journeys, I found myself connecting with my body and others as we moved more conscious awareness in our morning community practice. I felt at some point in the practice, we became a 1 body. I kept thinking of the anima mundi, the card a picked up in the morning and what it meant for me and us as a humanity to connect to the universal soul, the practice made me feel one with all. As I feel more connected to my body, I soon hear the call to communion in the woods, to make my way to a woodland area I haven't walked in months. I soon found myself reconnecting with the woods with its spring clothing. I noticed as I walked how alive the place was, with much light, colours, and sounds; I found myself moving my body and dancing like a wild woman. I connected to the fun and light within me, the wild and innocent woman who falls in love with everything she sees and feels. I was again in love, falling in love with life with its griefs, sorrows and hopes. I felt light and alive. a state I haven't felt like sometimes now. As I close this sharing. I wanted to share an episode from On Being called Nurturing Capacious Hearts with author Kate DiCamillo. This is an invitation to keep on breaking open. May we fall in love with truth, the full truth, the whole story of truth, even if it's hard and messy, as truth liberates. May we find stories that reconnect us. Kate DiCamillo — On Nurturing Capacious Hearts | The On Being Project

Sending love and care for our expanding hearts and bodies. Thanks for sharing the podcast Amel.