When I began to consider how I might celebrate my well-keeping day, I devised various options for ceremonies, walks, time spent in wild places special to me.
But what came to me, at first as a still, small voice, was: “why not just do what you usually do-- nothing special or extraordinary—only do it with full presence, attention, and in silence?”
So that’s what I did. I started with some work I needed to do on our property, and went to the garden shed to collect the necessary tools, only to find that mice had moved in over the winter, discovered our store of grass seed, chewed through the bag, somehow pulled it off the shelf, and spread it everywhere. So, step one turned out to be cleaning the shed and letting the mice know that I hoped they had enjoyed their feast, as I attended kindly and thoroughly to what was immediately at hand.
That was how the day went. The sprinkler kept getting stuck so I had to clear it of grit. The water pressure wasn’t strong enough to do the job I needed done. The thread in the hosepipe was stripped so I couldn’t attach it to the faucet. And so on…
What well am I tending and keeping?

I wondered, as the day unfolded like this.
The wellspring of life that I am tends and keeps the world I touch. I am a keeper of whatever comes to me, physically or in awareness.
Simple, real, (w)holy.
The Wellspring of Life
Life as reality
Thanks 🙏