I am ending my day in Paris, sitting calmly with my 16 year old son, enjoying being together. We came here today to go to the concert of his favorite band from Japan thatwill perform on the weekend.
My day was calm yet busy. My mind cognizant of being a wellkeeper among so many women from all around the world sharing similar sentiments. Getting the mantle from Maryliz who is visiting Maui from their home California, passing to Karen in Conneticut. Me, a Turc, living in Geneva ending the day in Paris. Devouring the richness of the experience. Being humbled by the symbolic responsibility.
Decided to experience my chosen day honoring the mundane tasks.
Spring equinox called for a spring cleaning so cleaned the house, the kitchen, the fridge. Had a session with one of my clients. Cooked for my kids. Remembered my late father as today was his birthday. Called my mom, my sister and my sister from another mom ...
Felt enormous gratitude for being connected, being alive, being myself. Not more not less. Just enough. All the while working in my heart for inner peace so that I can be an agent for peace.
With solidarity
I have read this several times. Not more. Not less. Just enough. So nice to meet you this way, dear friend.