The power of our connections
My day started with yoga in the early am, reminding me that we are all connected through the breath that we breathe each and every day. This theme transcended my day, as I met up with a close friend I had not seen for over 20 years for a wonderful breakfast. I then went up on the hill where my daughter and nephew are buried and parents' ashes are spread. Here I built a fire, sat in quiet meditation and reflection and wrote the following Haiku:
On a sacred knoll
I build a small peaceful fire
to honor our kin.
The fire connects us
To all beings fore and aft
with loving kindness.
My heart can rejoice
in the stillness and quiet
of sweet memories.
The embers die down
Melting snow and curling leaves
I hear the crows call.

Walking through the woods, whom I share with many neighbors and friends, I came across this etching in a fungus - once again reminding me of our undying connection to something greater than ourselves.

As I came to the end of my evening, I visited my uncle who has early onset alzheimers. As always, though he knows not who I am, he is grateful for my presence and we took a slow amble throughout the Memory Care clinic where he lives, holding hands and feeling the power of our lifelong connection.
Ending with one of my all time favorite quotes here:
"This we know,
All things are connected like the blood that unites us all.
We did not weave the web of life,
We are merely a strand in it.
Whatever we do to the web,
we do to ourselves. "
Chief Seattle
"The embers die down
Melting snow and curling leaves
I hear the crows call."
Lovely Haiku call to the present moment.
Your sharing and sweet love of family that shines radiantly, is warmth for heart and soul.