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Well Keeper Reflections

Public·165 Well Keepers

The aurora borealis was spectacular last night. It felt like the night sky was saying: Look up and see the magic of the heavens!

In a world of wars and political confusions, it is nourishing to focus on the beauty of life, small and large.

Kaja Storeide
Unknown member
Oct 13

Your posts from the last few days have been so spectacular Andre! I loved the pictures of the aurora borealis and your wonderful reflection. Thank you for the reminder that even when terrifying things are going on at the human level, wondrous magical things are also going on, in the Earth and skies… and everywhere

Big hug to you! Thank you for all that you’ve been sharing through these reflections. It’s lovely to feel your presence. I smile just thinking about you. Big hug XOXO.elaine smookler


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