What lovely videos were shared today of this journey. Thank you, Jennifer! The first time I put my name for a day on the calendar, I thought about it for months ahead of time. I was so taken by this idea of holding the earth with a group of other caring people who live all over the earth. Afterwards, I decided to take on a second day, Oct. 30th. I also planned and thought about how to make that day special and focused. I selected Wednesday because this is the one day of the week my husband and I shut off all media and phone. This time when the day arrived, we had a magical, quiet day in meditation, walking our yard and garden. We created designs with the colorful leaves and the dried cases of seeds on withered stalks honoring this time of year in New England. It was a good day but not, I must admit to my chagrin, one where I remembered I was a Well Keeper! When I did remember, I thought back and marveled at what the day had been, so tuned into the natural world, without my controlling it or directing it. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve.
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