Woke feeling lit up within a collective grid of light, sensing the presence of this precious Well Keeper's Circle.
At sunrise I was called outdoors to offer up a flower mandala to the earth. Listening to spirit and land for location, I was surprised to find myself wedged between a native Red Western Cedar, and a large English Ivy; an introduced plant considered invasive. One message that came in as I laid the flowers, is how important it is to work at creating bridges and finding ways to co-exist.
Back at home, I set out an altar dedicated to today....As it came together, I was filled with grace and gratitude for the circles in my life, places of sacred communion, of collective purpose and at the same time with appreciation for the unique gifts and offerings each contributor brings. As I reflected, I could feel the beautiful and potent collective energy of the Well Keepers circle.....a grid of light in and of itself, and at the same time augmenting something even larger. What came in was 'the flower of life'. Seeing this circle merging with other circles, my own, and also other circles I suspect many Well Keepers are part of outside of this one... The vision was radiant and made my heart sing. A sweet touch stone going forward.
Toward sunset I went to offer another flower mandala of gratitude to the earth. Again following intuition. I found myself in a nearby forest. The forest only exists because local residents got together in protest when developers were pushing the city to reduce the number of feet required to build by a salmon bearing stream. This was my first visit to the site since the construction has gotten underway. I went to offer apology to the forest/land expecting to see it compromised. What began with grief in my heart, turned to a celebration and appreciation for those who fought for it's preservation! The intact forest was a confirmation that while not always, sometimes our activism makes a difference.
Ended the day communing with the sea. Luna, in her most slender crescent made herself known in the sky above, aligning with Venus on this Imbolc, feast day of St Bridget. Blessings in Abundance as we come nearer the close of this precious Well Keepers year. Looking forward to participating in the new form.

I too feel the grid of light, embedded circles. Your sensitivites and willingness to follow the utflow of silence is exquisiste. Closely, ever, Barbara