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Well Keeper Reflections

Public·168 Well Keepers

Our Well Keeper yesterday was situated by the mighty Pacific Ocean, today it is a small, English garden and tomorrow, Southern Africa. Three Continents joined by our collective tending in love for our planet and each other.

Today, I feel responsible to keep in mind the largeness of vision we have together, alongside the small, daily tending of our houesholds and lives; in the midst of deep sadness and anxiety about the future, it is a gift to fold the prayers and blessings of all that have gone before in our well tending, and all that is now and to come, into a comforting shawl of grace and wisdom.

In the book I am reading, the Iranian grandmother calls her small granddaughter, "My heart'. We are all held in One Heart, the Heart of our collective Becoming so I will not sink into despair but stay true to this Becoming and who can tell what part Trump's election will play in these larger cycles?

And as the day draws to a close here, as I ready myself to pass the baton, i think of the qualities of spirit that are within my power to give;

Stillness, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control' and even as I fall down and get up and fall down and get up, as Thomas Merton said, I will not give up......

My love and blessings through this dark night and into a new day.


Membre inconnu
07 nov.

Thank you Louise - I woke in the night to receive the 'shawl of wisdom and grace' and dance into the day holding the currents of life that come to me in this day.


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