Last night I woke up at 1.30am to feel the presence of the women of the WellKeepers – I felt the mantle and response to hold the next 24 hours in love and care.
I awoke early with the intent to see the sunrise. Me and my dog Shiva set off and went to a headland on a beach nearby and saw the intervals of the sun as it arose. I felt my breathing in rhythm with the waves coming in. I offered Metta (compassion) to the 8 quadrants of the compass. “May all Beings be happy, May all Beings be at healthy and May all Beings be at peace”. I realized in this day to slow down and not want the sun to rise quicker, and then to feel immense gratitude for the rising sun where I was and on this planet.
The day was sweet with friends as I also celebrated my birthday. I collected eggs from the chickens. Harvested rhubarb from the garden with fresh greens being deeply appreciative for the earth and all it offers to sustain us. The evening progressed with friends and a beautiful meal.
Soon I pass the mantle onto Margi for the next day. As I reflect I am deeply grateful for all the women who hold this web of love and care in the unique ways you do. With love, Cheyne

@cheynemorris thank you for sharing these gorgeous photos. I can feel the peacefulness, luminosity and loving presence that you brought to this day.
Linking my love to yours on the other side of the world dear sister.